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Boxes into Baskets Tutorial

Boxes into Baskets Tutorial: As you all know, I am still working on my {Half Bathroom Remodel}. *Sigh* We have now added some shelving and I have been looking for some budget storage.

Cheap, cute baskets can be hard to come by. So I racked my brain and came up with this wonderful substitute, turning boxes into baskets.

This basket is made from an ordinary cardboard box, 4 ply jute, a hot glue gun, many glue sticks, and a whole lot of love.

Boxes into Baskets Tutorial

First, using scissors, I cut the flaps off the box.

Boxes into Baskets Tutorial

Next, I wrapped my sad, flap-less box with the jute, gluing every bit of it along the way.

Boxes into Baskets Tutorial

Then, I continued wrapping and wrapping and wrapping.

Finally, when I reach the top, I was so excited, as if I had just climbed my way to the peak of Mt. Everest.

Boxes into Baskets Tutorial

To finish off the basket, I quickly whipped up a custom size liner using inexpensive, white muslin fabric.

I love the look and it really didn’t take too long. Now, I just need to make a few more of these to shove on my bathroom shelves.

* Update: A tutorial on How to Make a Custom Basket Liner is now available!